
About crypto Technology

Its , the Latest party Cryptocurrencies.

As per Economic times there is swing between gains and losses its is dwindling from $5 trillion to below $1 trillion.

More and more people are entering in this field.

Hope ,in the coming year its stake will be highest for the stakeholders.

The World’s largest Cryptocurrency jumped from 7.8% to $20,289 in December 2020 To $69,000 in November,

About 70% highest recorded.

Since its creation in 2009 , bitcoin has become a digital currency .

As it enables peer to peer payments without third party like Bank with the help of cryptocurrencies and digital assets

Making use of blockchain Technology.

Blockchain is a digital ledger where every information receives a unique hash code (License).

It is forwarded to another ledger and get added to it .

Making it a Decentralized structure and improve the digital economy .

But there is a term Coin and Token, that are used interchangeably. But, I want to ask if there any difference?

Yes, you are correct as Coin is created on digital Blockchain and act as money.

Whereas, token is created on Top of the Blockchain . Please refer the Picture below.

How Crypto technology is growing ??

– Aks Online University

This Technology is growing Exponentially in positive direction . Its growth estimation in one year as shown in the imAge.

Its future is very Like a bright star . One should invest in NFT ‘s and Bitcoin trading and Mining.

Now what’s that ??? even when i heard my reaction was also the same .

It means building and launching your digital assets . How to build these digital assets .

After building digital assets we need to market them digitally.

What if You can market your Business with this course in 2D and 3D animation in just $320.24

To understand NFT in more depth kindly click on my Next Blog on NFT’s ( Non Fungible Tokens).

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